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We Heard You: How do I prepare for CAN programs?

Aug 1, 2019

To help you or a participant succeed in our programs, keep your online account up-to-date.

Canucks Autism Network (CAN)’s on-site program staff prepares for participants enrolled into programs by reviewing each participant’s information in the participant’s online account. This includes information relating to a participant’s communication, sensory sensitivities, behaviour supports, medical concerns, and contact information. Since this is inputted during the initial account set-up, participants who have been members with CAN for a year or more become out-of-date. As a result, CAN staff may be preparing support plans for participants with outdated information. To ensure a participant’s success, we recommend members to review and update their account information at least once a year prior to registration.

Having an updated account will help staff build rapport with participants!

On Star Wars and the Millenium Falcon | Image via starwars.com

“I sit with all the program staff to review all the participant information gathered through their online accounts. I match and pair support workers (staff in blue t-shirts) based on those conversations and the skill sets that I see in my staff team.

One team member noticed in the profile that a participant was a huge Star Wars fan. As this staff member was determined to build rapport with the participant, the staff went home and learned all they could about Star Wars.

When it came time to float two weeks into the program, the participant was not engaged.

Our prepared staff suggested, “You might want to practice floating on your back in case the Millennium Falcon flew over!”

While it took a few more weeks, more Star Wars references, and other supports, the Millennium Falcon moment was the key rapport building moment that could not have happened if we had not received up-to-date information about the participant’s likes or dislikes.”

– CAN Support Team (Onsite Supervisor)

How do I update my account information?

  1. Log into your account at canucksautismprograms.ca
  2. Click on the My Account tab.
  3. Click on the Edit button next to a participant’s name.
  4. Review all information, especially the Participant Questions field.
  5. Once all fields have been reviewed and updated, click the green Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.
  6. If you are a parent or guardian updating your account, we also encourage you to click the Edit button next to your name, and review and update your account information, including Contact, Address, and Emergency Contact.

If you have any questions about this process, or would like assistance, please contact us at [email protected].